The purposes of the association are:
• The promotion of issues related to the development of production, distribution and marketing of products of animal origin and issues related to farm animals.
• The study of problems and issues, the use of research methods and technology and generally any means to achieve maximum production and excellent quality of products in the industry, as well as for a better knowledge of market rules
• The promotion of industry products both in the internal market and in other markets. The contribution to the formulation of a national policy for the products of the industry with special emphasis on the products of designation of origin and especially on the “feta” cheese.
• The defense of the conditions reserved for the products of the industry before the Greek and Community authorities, as well as the competent authorities of other countries.
• The promotion of measures for the protection of the environment, the historical and cultural heritage in the field of animal husbandry, manners and customs, through training and information events, undertaking activities, elaboration of programs and studies, within the purposes of the Association and the current law.
• Cooperation with community and international organizations in the industry, in order to promote its interests.
• Participation in institutions, collective organizations, interprofessional organizations, which operate in accordance with the provisions of national and community legislation and generally in legal entities under private or public law which aim at the development of livestock products in the interest of the industry.
• The information and training activities and events (seminars, workshops, conferences, symposia, cultural events), which serve the members, without substituting them and aim at serving the purposes of the Association
• The publication of magazines & newspapers in the context of the purposes of the Association.
• The undertaking, the assignment of any legal project decided within the framework of the purpose of the Association.
• The development of cooperation between the members, in the context of respect for subsidiarity, the provision of support and the strengthening of the activities of its members, by elaborating common positions and proposals concerning the industry.
• The formation of working groups, study committees, technical committees, etc., as well as the participation in committees formed by the Prefectures, the State and the Local Self-Government.
• The search and finding of resources for the promotion and achievement of the goals of the Association.
• The cooperation with public and private sector bodies, with companies, cooperatives, institutes, chambers, in order to promote the purposes of the association.
• The joint organization of events, the participation in events of other bodies, the realization of joint actions, within the framework of the purposes of the Association.
• The undertaking and conducting of researches, studies, programs of national and community in the context of the aims of the Association and for the promotion of the products of the sector.
• The intervention with positions and proposals, before the competent state authorities, that aim at the protection of the interests of the sector in the securing of the activity of the breeder and the poultry farmer, always within the framework of the text provisions.
• The scientific support of the members.
• The protection and promotion of indigenous breeds of farm animals.
• The recruitment of staff, scientific and technical advisors to fulfill the purposes of the Association.
ESPA - co-financed by Greece and the European Union